I wish you the best of luck and a happy, healthy holiday. You're worth feeling good about yourself. I promise you that simply taking the steps to make positive changes will be empowering, and the people you come in contact with will sense that.
So, you can do one of two things: either continue to feel miserable and eat your feelings, or actually decide to get to the bottom of why you eat the way you do.
It won't happen overnight, but if you truly decide to commit to yourself, it'll happen. It's hard to change your behavior, but you can do it. Diets don't work, but lifestyle changes do. There's plenty of info out there about why people overeat and become obese. There's only one person who can fix this issue, and it's you. Humble self confidence is the sexiest thing there is. But you don't have to have an underwear model's body to be sexy. Yes, our gay culture is full of body snobbery, and that's not going to change. In all seriousness, your initial statement 'Being fat and gay is a fate worse than death', telegraphs that you believe you have no power to be a different weight, like it's something that was done to you, or something over which you have no control like a congenital deformity. OP, there are a lot of snarky, asshole answers here, it is the Data Lounge, of course, and you probably knew that would happen.